Learn to Start Live

The Power of Story from our LTS Community

In a traditional academic system of education, the measurements used to assess student development and outcomes are disconnected from real-world accomplishments. Every …

I have spent over three decades building global companies, and as part of that exercise setting up teams around the world. I …

To understand future-proofing students must understand the criteria that are used when it comes to creating and leading effective teams.

Through two contests she devised, Melissa Butterworth offered young entrepreneurs at NBPS the opportunity to push who they are and what they …

Mentorship can be far more valuable to a young entrepreneur and their business than any injection of capital and could be a …

Many people have been in my classroom and have spoken to the value of the program, the desire to continue participating, and …

As an entrepreneur, we are exposed to many risks and uncertainties. These risks generally fall into one of three buckets: Capital (Financial) …

In this ever-growing globalized world, relationships are currency and the only way to build powerful ones is to develop your authentic self.

If a student today can accomplish a state of wellness, empowerment and performance and combine it with the power of the technology they can change the world and all of their ideas will simply be starting points, sparks that can ignite something incredible.

Using the power of story in combination with our Learn to Start modeling will most certainly empower teachers and give them a powerful model to follow.

Real change must come from the leaders of the actual classrooms - the teachers - because in a world where teachers become the CEOs of their own domains, that is when we will see education truly begin to take the turn towards measurable and effective change. 

In the end it comes down to compassion. I care so deeply about this young, upcoming generation. For me, they are the …

LTS Virtual Academy
LTS virtual academy call

Leveraging our technology platforms, our incredible in-house LTS expert instructors deliver a ground-breaking, online learning experience capable of guiding students and employees to new Market-Ready™ outcomes not currently being produced inside of education or corporations today.

Accepting enrollments for high school, post secondary, adult education and corporate training.

Enrollment opening

September 6th

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