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The Power of Story from our LTS Community

As a debate, teaching content versus teaching skills as the foundation for any curriculum needs to end. Traditional academics has focused on …

Technology inside of education must always be a tool instead of the core of the solution. When technology is treated as a …

In a traditional academic system of education, teachers teach knowledge rather than guide skill development as the primary focus of their curriculum. …

There is a growing gap between education and industry where the outcomes of the former do not meet the hiring needs of …

The LTS Model drives a transformative model of learning that empowers students to develop voice, choice, and independence in their formative years …

There are three questions that can bridge the divide between education and industry: “Who am I?”, “What can I do?”, and “How …

There are three questions that should be the foundation of all formative development: “Who am I?”, “What can I do?”, and “How …

There are only three questions that matter when assessing the value of a person in the marketplace: “Who am I?”, “What can …

In a traditional academic system of education, subjects and levels are separate entities rather than an interconnected experience. A student’s day is …

In a traditional academic system of education that institutes an A-F or 0-100 grading system, students learn to fear failure rather than …

In a traditional academic system of education, the measurements used to assess student development and outcomes are disconnected from real-world accomplishments. Every …

I have spent over three decades building global companies, and as part of that exercise setting up teams around the world. I …

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