LTS Certifications

Serving the demands of 21st-century markets

Learn to Start Market-Ready™ Certifications are accredited and trusted by industry and have been engineered over a decade of learning, iterating, and executing,  ensuring students are prepared with the employability and entrepreneurial skills necessary to enter and add value to current and emerging industries, despite the  unpredictable and ever-changing job market.


Standard of proof for 20 highly demanded employability skills.

The Learn to Start Market-Ready™ Certification system develops students and employees capable of applying industry’s mostly sought after skills in critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Critical Thinking Skills

  • 1
    The learner is able to clearly understand and process the information they are consuming.
  • 2
    The learner develops sustainable habits and takes advantage of opportunities to obtain knowledge and grow their skill base.
  • 3
    The learner can discern between reliable and unreliable sources and consults and corroborates with a variety of sources when determining answers and taking actions.
  • 4
    The learner competently gathers relevant data and applies it to solution creation.

Creativity Skills

  • 1
    The learner embraces both failure and change as they approach their work and collaborates effectively with others.
  • 2
    The learner recognizes and deploys the power of creative thinking as they seek alternative solutions.
  • 3
    The learner is in control of their work habits and holds themself personally accountable for their actions and results as they lead themselves first.
  • 4
    The learner takes advantage of opportunities despite the possibility of failure.

Collaboration Skills

  • 1
    The learner values their time and the time of others by efficiently balancing priorities to meet deadlines and expectations.
  • 2
    The learner expresses themself and their ideas in the context of specific mediums.
  • 3
    The learner commands their own expertise and collaboratively works with others to achieve goals.
  • 4
    The learner understands appropriate behavior when engaging with digital mediums.

Leadership Skills

  • 1
    The learner utilizes the process of iterative solution creation.
  • 2
    The learner demonstrates their believability, credibility, and charisma to an audience.
  • 3
    The learner is prone to action and leadership rather than reaction as they move to achieve their goals.
  • 4
    The learner exercises leadership skills to construct and execute according to a timeline of actions to create a solution.

Enterprise Skills

  • 1
    The learner efficiently uses technology to search and evaluate data, and communicate value and execute on solutions.
  • 2
    The learner recognizes the importance of feedback and directly communicates with peers, team members, and mentors to resolve issues.
  • 3
    The learner makes evidence-based decisions concerning their personal and professional finances.
  • 4
    The learner creates processes for thinking and understanding solutions.

Solving for a Global Problem

Impact of the Worldwide Skills Gap

Loss expected by 2030 due to the talent shortage and skills gap in the U.S. alone. (PWC)
$ 6 trillion
L&D professionals who said that reskilling the current workforce to fill skills gaps is a priority now. (LinkedIn)
54 %
Organizations that are pursuing initiatives to address skills gaps amid a tightening labor market. (CompTIA)
69 %
Employers who report having trouble finding qualified talent due to skills gaps. (Monster)
67 %
Workers surveyed who believe their current skill set will become irrelevant by 2023. (Degreed)
36 %
Workers surveyed who feel supported by their organization's skill development opportunities. (MIT & Deloitte)
24 %


The job market’s top 10 most demanded skills in 2023 according to WEF 2023 Future of Jobs report

Learn to Start has been developed inside a decade of research and practice to provide education a solution that develops market-ready students, despite the changing and unpredictable markets.

  • 1
    Analytical thinking
  • 2
    Creative thinking
  • 3
    Resilience, flexibility, and agility
  • 4
    Motivation and self-awareness
  • 5
    Curiosity and lifelong learning
  • 6
    Technological literacy
  • 7
    Dependability and attention to detail
  • 8
    Empathy and active listening
  • 9
    Leadership and social influence
  • 10
    Quality control

Developing Future-Proofed Students

According to Adobe's In Demand Skills 2022 Report: How to grow skills and get hired

Diversify your knowledge

Learn to Start builds a diversity of essential skills in students and employees to ensure they are highly marketable, adaptable and prepared to function in unpredictable markets with a high level of agency.

Expand your human skills

Learn to Start allows students and employees to identify their strengths and weaknesses and become intrinsically motivated to build portfolios that prove they have mastered both the soft and hard skills that are aligned with their passions, interests and capabilities.

Prepare while getting an education

Learn to Start has been invented to integrate directly into the current system of traditional K-20 education to ensure every student and employee we serve is becoming aligned with 21st-century markets from day one. We call this K-Market™.

Ready your portfolio

Learn to Start students and employees build powerful proof-of-self inside their sharable digital portfolio.


Learn to Start students and employees are empowered to bring their issued certificates to the markets where they can claim real market-readiness with confidence. To attain certification a student must… 


Be enrolled in the LTS Virtual Academy or in a secondary or post-secondary institution offering Learn to Start programming.


Be subscribed on the Learn to Start Learner Platform.


For secondary and post-secondary, participate in a minimum of one year of Learn to Start programming to earn your first certification.


Complete proof of work for all skills (with instructor sign-off) prior to submitting a completed, comprehensive Learn to Start Market-Ready Portfolio.

Certification is issued by Learn to Start’s Issuance and Auditing Department upon their final review and assessment of proof of skills inside each student’s or and employee's IAMR, submission of completed industry certifications, and full review of student’s or employee's completed Learn to Start Market-Ready Portfolio.