Karin Hoffman

Karin Hoffman

Government Relations

“Learn to Start expands each participating students’ life options, exponentially.  Mentorship with global leaders is one of the key ingredient that is, uniquely, offered through Learn to Start.  This comprehensive platform equips students to build innovative ventures, from a concept into a model that is successful within a global economy.”

Karin Hoffman is the founder and CEO of Key Innovative Solutions, a firm that is committed to workforce development, unlocking work-based learning opportunities along the spectrum of learners from primary, secondary, postsecondary on to adulthood, connecting industry and education together in dynamic sector strategies.
During the past several years, she has hosted several education task forces through Florida Students First Coalition, a coalition she founded together with Florida State Senator Rene Garcia and School Board Member Chuck Shaw, Palm Beach County. This coalition consists of educators, school board members, superintendents, administrators, career technical education directors, leaders of industry, and legislators, as well as organizations such as the Florida Department of Education and Florida School Boards Association, just to name a few. The effort continues to be focused on enhancing the work of Career Technical Education throughout the education continuum.
While Karin was a teenager, her family lived and worked in Children’s Home with the Salvation Army in Mexico City.  Returning to the States, she obtained her A.S. in Physical Therapy from Broward College, followed by a B.S. in Human Resource Management and, also, a B.S. in Biblical Studies from Trinity International University. She is, also, a Gubernatorial appointee to the Southern Region Education Board involving 16 states, influencing education policy.   She has the honor of, currently, serving as Chair of the Florida Commission on the Status of Women.  Her husband is Greg and they have one son, Josiah.