LTS Impact Data

Outcomes and Data Sets Being Produced Across All Learn to Start Classrooms

Student Outcomes

  • Students have defined value propositions that differentiate them in the market.
  • Students align themselves with specific passions and industries.
  • Students prove development of industry specific skills.
  • Students identify problems they have solved.
  • Students identify failure points and pivot points.
LTS Certification
  • Students have proficiency in employability skills.
Immersion Experience
  • Students earn opportunities at companies.
  • Students solved problems for companies.
  • Students develop a network of mentors.
  • Students receive mentor feedback.
  • Students complete training courses from specific companies.

Students who spend a minimum of one year in LTS Programming report:

  • They develop agency through the creation and iteration of defined value propositions that differentiate them in class and in the market.
  • They embrace failure as necessary to their development. They take calculated risks and learn to pivot through obstacles and challenges.
  • They are confident speaking in public. They demonstrate a modulating tone of voice, sustained eye contact with their audience, and open body language. They articulate their personal and professional brands and manage Q&As.
  • They seek out mentorship and feedback.
  • They have developed the skills necessary to listen to all feedback without defensiveness and discern between relevant and irrelevant feedback.
  • They develop a community of peers who know each other’s names, stories, interests, and strengths and weaknesses classwide.

Instructors who teach LTS for a minimum of one year report:

  • They are more present in their classes and more engaged with their students on a daily basis because they create a student-centered environment of learning and collaboration where they act as the daily mentor for formative development.
  • They feel relevant in their role because they are not dictating content to students but are allowing students to follow their own interests in a structured environment.
  • They develop a building expertise on industry wide business models by conducting news briefings to begin each class and incorporating market language into all feedback sessions.
  • They do not bring work home outside of school hours because they are engaging in live feedback with their students and have prepared curriculum plans for each day of school through their IMS.

School leaders using the LTS Programming in their schools report:

  • Students develop a love of learning because they are given choice and voice inside of their LTS classroom. They engage in Read, Watch, Listen on a daily basis, developing them as conscious consumers of information.
  • Students graduate with a focused plan forward where they are making decisive actions for their future based on their answers to the three program questions of Who am I? What can I do? How do I prove it? and, their engagement with industry leaders and mentors